Sunday, October 20, 2013

TECT Park Working Bee/October Club Meeting

October 20th saw a few members show up for a working bee and club meeting at TECT Park.

The last trip ended in carnage for a few members vehicles on one of the tracks and so despite it being very much a non-event this time round, a 'safety rut' was dug into the corner and a few other potential new tracks were explored and opened up.

Alan must get the stink day of the month award with two punctures and a busted CV (and only a few days to fix things before Mangaroa Station!).

The recent weather showed how it can change the tracks for both the worse and the better.  Once again, those who didn't show missed out.

Check out the pics:

First hole blues. . .

. . . for pretty much everyone.

That is indeed a 35" tyre almost visible.

Observe an insanity plea about to be entered.

Oh no Daddy! That man is using my spade,

from MY sand pit!

Beadlocks do NOT help if using racing slicks. . .

Vinny a wee bit stumped.