Monday, December 12, 2011

Club Christmas party 2011

This year's Christmas party was held at the Tect Park and what a great venue it was. In all 12 vehicles with a total of 38 family members came out to play in the sunshine. The tracks were great - some were a bit challenging while others a bit too wet for some but hopefully everyone had a good time. The Arrival Centre was great with lots of space inside and out with the deck area bathed in sunshine. The food was superb and there was plenty of it - many thanks to all who helped out.
Last minute preparations!
New and old members chat before we set off
Hey - whose legs are these?
Vinny taking in the sun.
 Looking good - (Arthur and the Disco).
So are you Peter in your new toy.
Murray enjoying the day out in the sun.
The only way now is down.
New member Scott heading down.
Dam - I got in the wrong side again!
Man that looks a long way down.
Jed's right behind him minus wifey!
Followed by Lynn.
Trevor being Tail End Charlie.
Hey why can't I move - I'm going down hill?
Jed - you looked stumped to me!
Peter's new toy taking a mud bath.
More mud
What is it with guys and muddy water?
Even the older ones can't keep out of it - ah Trevor!
 Stay there Jed I'm coming.
You stay there in the dry  - now what can I get you?
Look out - I'm coming through!
Boy - is it getting deeper?
Are you sure he went down there?
Jan & Jenny hard at work making goodies - thanks so much for all your help Ladies.
The First Lady getting a little saucy.
(Lucky me - I hope)

The First Lady & Mel relaxing on the deck.
Marcel & Murray - catching up.
Members taking in the sun.
Father Christmas arrives - in a fire truck???
The kids must have been good - because they all got a present!

See - perfect little angels - yeah right!
The boys enjoying their puddy!
All the kids enjoyed the lolly scramble. 
While the adults wished they were at the lolly scramble!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Project Range Rover

Project Range Rover is underway. My plan is to remove the body
and have the chassis cleaned up and galvanised then replace the
rusty floor pans and any other rusty bits before rebuilding it.
Here are a few photos of the strip down so far, it's funny how easy it comes apart - I bet it wont be so easy going putting it back together again.

Minginui Trip - Labour Weekend

On Labour Day 5 vehicles went off to Minginui 4 wheeling on a family day out.

Scott, a new member came along in his Disco 1 on his first trip to see what the club does. He must have enjoyed the day as he has since joined the club.

The tracks were mostly dry apart from a hole full of water that Jed decided to park in much to the amusement of his wife and children or maybe they weren't amused because it was just after that they got out and walked!

A fun day and a good family trip.

So far so good Jed
Vinny taking a dip 
He made it but got a bit wet. Thanks to marcel he was up and
running in no time.
Now  Jed that's not a good place to stop!
Scott's first club recovery
Scott's Disco making it look easy
Mind the paint work on the old boy!
You just sit there son I'll do the hard work for you.