Friday, December 13, 2013

Thanks to Colin, we had a working bee at Marcel's new sheds.  We lined walls, put up walls, put in windows and put up lights and drank some beer (mostly in that order).

 Then thanks to Alan Hoffman we had another working bee.  We cut holes in the side of the building and put in windows, lined walls, put up more lights and drank some beer (mostly in that order).

sorry about the upside down photos.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Maungaroa Station 2013

Another awesome trip into Maungaroa, Alan did a great job getting us back into a stunning place for four wheeling and just hanging out for the weekend.
Three trucks in on Friday afternoon with another three on saturday morning and a full long weekend of off roading, exploring, minor fixes, horse riding and peacocks.  Rain on Friday night was the worst of the weather with the rest of the weekend stunning (out of the wind!), warm and sunny.

If you weren't there, you missed out.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

TECT Park Working Bee/October Club Meeting

October 20th saw a few members show up for a working bee and club meeting at TECT Park.

The last trip ended in carnage for a few members vehicles on one of the tracks and so despite it being very much a non-event this time round, a 'safety rut' was dug into the corner and a few other potential new tracks were explored and opened up.

Alan must get the stink day of the month award with two punctures and a busted CV (and only a few days to fix things before Mangaroa Station!).

The recent weather showed how it can change the tracks for both the worse and the better.  Once again, those who didn't show missed out.

Check out the pics:

First hole blues. . .

. . . for pretty much everyone.

That is indeed a 35" tyre almost visible.

Observe an insanity plea about to be entered.

Oh no Daddy! That man is using my spade,

from MY sand pit!

Beadlocks do NOT help if using racing slicks. . .

Vinny a wee bit stumped.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Brass Monkey Weekend Minginui 2013

Early June saw a few hardy souls brave the cold of Minginui for this years Brass Monkey Weekend.

Young Daniel had a spot of bother with a wee axle break.  Perhaps a comment made in jest resulted in a novel way of retrieving the broken piece of axle. . .

Step 1: Tip truck over using winch and fish around with a magnet until broken bit falls out.

Step 2: Fit new axle and top up with recycled diff oil.

Step 3: Do up drive flange and replace truck on level ground.

Job done!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Easter in Northland

The Kaitaia Club and the weather looked after us very well on our our trip through Poutu and up the west coast to the top o' the north.  Here are a few photos of the trip. . .

Poutu Lighthouse

Parked at the bottom of the dunes by Poutu lighthouse.
Daniel bombing the beach with his Mum
Lunch stop near Tane Mahuta.
Allan, Leah and Jade on their solo crossing of the  Hokianga Harbour when they got left behind.

Camping in the wild at Herekino.

Horses in the night wandered through the camp and didn't touch a single guy rope or tent.
Daniel rocking the snowboard in the dunes.
Trying to keep up with the quads on the dunes: Yeah - Nah!

Al taking his turn from the top of the bluffs.

The Parrs coming off the bluffs.
Ian screaming up the dunes towards the Erewhon Trail.
Looking over the gumfields from the Crunchie Trail.
Traffic jam on the Crunchie Trail.

Lunch at the top of the dunes after coming down the Crunchie Trail.

The only rain we had was brief and while we were at Waipapakauri.  All cosy and dry.

Rush hour on 90 mile beach.
The Cape.
Daniel, Vinnie the chick magnet, and far too many girls than is healthy.

Easter egg hunt in the sand.  Don't dig too hard or you'll put your finger through the chocolate, . . oh you already have?  Mmmm gritty.

We came across this seal bang in the middle of where all the buses and cars were screaming up and down 90 mile beach. He looked a bit dried out and we decided to get him back into the water before he got skittled.

Operation Seal Rescue in full swing.

No matter how hard we tried, the seal just wasn't interested in playing skipping games. . . 

Beach transport; Kaitaia style.

Humber 'Pig' armoured personnel carrier in Kawakawa.