Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tinui Fundraiser

Some of our club members went along on the Tinui fundraising trip. Check out the spectacular photos from Jan and Trev:

Tinui Fundraiser
Castle Point

We arranged a cute whare at Ohau Hunting Park on the Mataikona coastal road just North of Castle Point; this was our base for a couple of days while we joined the Tinui cross country fundraiser. We even had our own private little beach with a driftwood entry.
It was a great day with reportedly 110 vehicles, a big percentage being Land Rovers. There were three other club members present in the line-up which was nice. We traversed several large stations on what was the old bullock trails used for transporting wool etc to the coast. We were supplied with lots of history along with old photos of the bullock teams at work.
We eventually came out onto Pack Spur Road at Mataikona then continued to Castle Point Station. This was a lovely scenic coastal track through the station to Otahome Road.
Over 100 kms later, the day rounded off with a BBQ at the Tinui School.
Big miles to get there but it was well worth it.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Big Bertha: Rising from the Ashes

Last year the Club sent a donation to the Big Bertha rebuild effort.

Here is an update and some photos by way of Jan:

Good afternoon Jan,

Ashley Lucas from NZ 4 Wheel drive Magazine has handed me over a cheque from the treasurer at the club for $200.00 to put towards the rebuild.

Please thank the members very much for the help as every little bit helps.

We have had some great response from a number of people touched by the story, and some made keen just to see the truck
just back up and running.

After 13 years of fundraising and helping the kids, I just couldn't see her go this way so it's been heartening to have had such
great support.

Attached are a few of the photo's of where things were 18 months ago and how we are looking now, as you will agree, a huge
transformation, although there is still a long way to go.

Even as we speak the windows have been finished and she is on her way to Fleet Image in Hamilton for painting so things are
moving along.

Thanks again and kind regards

Andrew, Bev and Big Bertha