Sunday, February 21, 2010

Minginui Track Recce

The first weekend of February saw a couple of members head to Minginui in an effort to scope out and clear or reopen a few tracks for the club to explore. Minginui is ideal in that the tracks are usable even in winter as rainfall doesn't seem to affect the tracks too much. Er, . . good theory except that the ruts seem to be growing.

. . . hence the digging I guess. And it wasn't the last time we'd end up with a shovel in our hands either.

Why is it that the photo never shows the true, seat sucking, moon shot, nose in the air feeling that you experience at the time? What it FELT like was that the back end of the truck was going to undertake the front end if I gave it any more jandal. . .

. . . of course the reality was that the truck couldn't go anywhere tyres up/shiny down. I'm gonna blame it on the screaming passenger and child in the back. Who says chivalry is dead? Lockers did help and I have to say the other trucks went a different way. By this stage the Hydro Road was looking less and less like a shiny type trip and more like a bush truck event.

Those of you who may have done the Hydro in the past probably won't recognise much of it now. The amount of rain the area has had over January has made quite an impact and the ruts are only getting bigger.

I think at about this point, Colin was keen to get rid of a few body panels.

The next day was spent reclaiming an old track long since overgrown. This will make a nice loop to and from the end of Pigeon Camp and with a bit (certainly a lot less than Hydro) of judicious shovel work will fall into the shiny category.

Annual General Meeting


The time is nearly here for the AGM.

Sunday 21st of March, 10am at the Tirau Museum. Please be on time.

A run up Thompson's Track is planned at the end of business so bring some lunch and mud tyres.

There are already a number of items to be discussed:

-club officers,

-information flow to members,

-upcoming trips,

-trip fees, and

-discussion on club rules and constitution.

I'm sure there are more and will be brought up on the day.

Remember it's YOUR club and you have to be in to get the most out of it.

If you have any queries please get hold of Mel.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Port Waikato Trip - February 09

A great weekend was enjoyed by club members at Port Waikato. The weekend was organised and hosted by Fiona, Terry and family. A big thank you for a wonderful time and your great hospitality.

Looking out over the township of Port Waikato from the top of the farm.
Looks like we have to walk from here on up.

But it was worth the walk .

Just a little bit of mud for fun.

It soon got very greasy with a muddy hole on a bend.

What a Landie towing a Rangie down hill???

Custard square slipping and sliding.

Trevor had a go too.

Now where did Terry say that deep hole was???

All the kids had fun the little ones and the big ones too.

Now where did he go ???

Everywhere we went the views were amazing.

He made it all look so easy.

Big Gap;

and Little Gap!

Still happy and smiling.

If these are small pebbles I'd like to see the big ones.

There's nothing like a play on the sand.

Nearly the end of a great day out,

but not for everyone.

They finally made it home with dinner!

The next day - where was Mary when we needed her???

On your marks get set

Go! They came flying up the air field.